dimanche 4 décembre 2011

Have We Become More Willing to Pay for Content?

          There is an interesting debate on the website of New York Times Journal about the changing of media conten from a free content to a paid content. Actually, you will find four main debaters on the topic, and each one has  specific reasons behind this transition of the media content. 

         After, I have read the arguments of the four debaters, I totally agree with the second debater named Dana Chinn. she argued that the content is paid by people who get first a device for it, which means these companies had targeted us to buy the different content from the beginning. For Instance, buying an IPad, we need to buy programs, applications, games, ebooks, movies... for our device in order to use it correctly and in a diversity way. I have found some strong reasoning in the other arguments of the rest of the debaters too, but the most one that I believe is the main reason behind this kind of transition is buying the devices that leasd us to think of having a paid content.

If you want to read more, this is a direct link to the debate:

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